Android App Development
Now days we can feel and sense the excitement, joy, status of using android mobiles. Every place from Entrepreneurs to betel selling vendors are using this android and are proud, satisfied and delighted customers of this Android. This is revolution in the world of mobile.
Android is the lifeline for active individuals
It is mobile application developed by Google. The pioneer’s members of the same are Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White.
As per the latest survey Android market consist of 82% of market share. The source code of the same is readily available, the prime reason for the same is to boost to entrepreneurs/start-ups to develop Application at competitive price. In this with the help of SDK (Software development kit), we can incorporate and develop games for all generations, age groups. Google gives leeway and freedom to developers to boost their imaginations in the app.
Android Applications are available in more than 100 languages written in Java (UI), C (Core), C++. The core android source code is known as android open source project (AOPS).

"Your mobile device has quickly become the easiest portal into your digital self." - Phil Nickinson

iOS App Development
World famous developer Apple Inc has developed its first product IOS Applications, formerly and popularly known as iPhone. It is dedicated and developed only for its own hardware. This approach is integrated only with all Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod and with its Operating system.
It was invented in 2007, in the year 2006; Steve Job thought to initiate the idea to develop IOS. ARM architecture is base hardware platform for the same. It is the second most likable mobile operating system in the world. C, C++, Objective C, Swift, MAC OS is the language used to develop the same. Its source code is not freely available. This operating system is available in more than 40 languages across globe. It is developed for class a part strata society; data is maintained and well secure; data theft is not possible. Widely accepted in European, US and UK markets. Brand conscious individuals prefer IOS.